Saturday, September 11, 2010


OK I know this isn't about blush but I just felt like I needed to get something out there about the book I just finished reading, "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins. I absolutely loved the first two books in the trilogy and was really excited about this last instalment. Have to admit I'm pretty disappointed though. Cried at the end of the book, but not sure so much if I was crying about part of the ending, or crying that the book was finished and the trilogy is over or crying that all the expectation and excitement for the last book is over. Would love to hear what you think??

Btw, I'm totally team Peeta. If they make this into a movie I know I will watch it but I'm worried if I watch it it will ruin the book for me. Similar to how the Twilight movies have ruined the re-reading of the books.

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